Monday, August 6, 2012

Salsa Explosion!

Hello Everyone! Happy Monday! As my first official post, I wanted to share with you all my adventures in salsa making this past weekend. I was lucky enough to acquire many tomatoes and peppers for free last week and figured why not try? (since I don't like plain tomatoes or peppers anyways)

With the peppers and tomatoes in toe, I got together the other ingredients I needed for the basic salsa recipe my mom gave me.  (note that in the end I DID NOT follow the measurements below)
  •  1/4 tsp Oregano
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1;4 tsp vinegar
  • cilantro to taste
  • onions to taste
I really should have realized from the get go that this wasn't going to end well. Stuff like this never does for me, but I wanted to experiment, and experiment I did.

Starting the usual way, I chopped up the tomatoes and put them in my bowl, followed by all the other ingredients in their specific amounts. I then started adding peppers at random. I wasn't fully sure what kind of peppers I had, what with them being given to me for free. I knew I had bells, and some larger green long ones, and some small red ones. I started with bell and added a few of the long green ones. I also had some store bought Jalapenos that I decided to add. 

Looks good right?

This looked really good, really? But somehow it still tasted nasty. I think it was because (as I learned later) the tomatoes I was using were not the kind you should use for salsa and sauces, but more for just eating. Go figure. That and I fell in love with Cilantro, so I think I over added that.

Thinking maybe, just maybe it would get better, I decided to try blending and grinding it all down in the blender. The result?  A somewhat decent tasting salsa that looks like baby puke.

I really does taste all right, but the tomatoes are so acidic that I just don't think my stomach can handle it: two chips yesterday just about killed me! So for now it is sitting in the fridge. It will likely meet Mr. Garbage disposal this week sometime.  Still, I learned a lot from this experiment.

  1. Know exactly what types of veggies you are using for things like this.
  2. Always follow instruction amounts of what to add.
  3. Don't use a blender! Or really any type of food processor. When it comes to homemade salsa, chunky is better.
  4. Learn to be O.K. with you mistakes. Things happen, especially when it's the first time. Live and learn.
I hope you all enjoyed my first post, I can't wait to share more!



  1. Oh my gosh that looks so good.

  2. I laughed out loud at the baby puke comment. Not really something you want to associate with your snack food, huh?
